Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hello blogging world! Welcome to Haley's Hook Up! I am a Baylor grad working as a registered nurse in Tyler, Texas. I live for my family, am a major sports junky, and love anything crafty. So after some convincing from my older sister I've decided to try out blogging! I will use Haley's Hook Up mainly for all of my crafting endeavors. But I can't promise there won't be some sports posts thrown in here an there. Which brings me to my first very first fabric and felt wreath! Ranger Love!
Because I made this wreath prior to my blog I do not have pictures of the entire process. I promise I'll get better! Supplies: Medium size styrofoam wreath $4.99 1/2 yard of fabric $1.47 (on sale!) 4 sheets of felt (2 red, 2 white) $1 Fabric glue $4.99 All supplies were found at Hobby Lobby! This project took me close to 1.5 hours to complete. Cut fabric into strips approximately 5 inches wide. Wrap fabric around wreath until completely covered. I did not glue the fabric down until the very end. Cut felt into circles of various sizes. My largest felt flower was approximately 7-8 inches in diameter. Cut each circle into a swirl. Then wrap the swirl continuously until it looks as shown in the photo. Use a small ammount of fabric glue at the very end of the felt swirl to complete flower. Don't forget the fabric glue does NOT dry clear! I learned that the hard way, hehe. Now use the fabric glue to attach each flower to the wreath. I always tend to lean towards the bottom right side of the wreath when attaching accessories. The Texas Rangers "T" I traced with a pencil by hand. If you don't feel comfortable doing so there are tons of photos online you can print, cut out, and use as a stencil. Fabric glue was also used to glue the white and red T's together as well as to the wreath. And that's it! The perfect summertime wreath! Feel free to contact me with any questions or pictures of your finished product! Happy Wreathing!


  1. You are so creative! Love your wreath! Miss ya girl! -Sam

  2. Thanks Samantha! Hope you had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day!!!
